Who sees Occult Truth and what is it?
If you know little or nothing about the Occult or have been led to believe there is no such thing as occult 'truth' because science has all the answers, what we have to say on this page may well change your mind.
Who sees Occult Truth and what is it? There are plenty of websites and Youtube videos which pose these and similar questions, but precious few answers. Why is this? Paracelsus, the great 16th Century Occultist, gave the answer to these questions when he wrote:
"He who wishes to learn Occult Truth must first of all divest himself of all intellectual pride, prejudice, preconceptions and the opinions of others, for all these bar the door to the entrance of Truth."
He was right. We have only to read the endless stream of so-called 'occult' websites, videos, and social media posts which deluge the seeker with information nowadays to know that this is true. Much of this tide of speculations, opinions and advice is well meant, and we have no doubt that many of those who publish it are sincere, but NONE of them can provide the genuine Seeker with clear answers to the great mysteries of Life. Instead, such sources invariably contradict and often abuse and attack one another, Others endlessly recycle second and third hand opinions about subjects of which the authors have no personal knowledge and less experience; they ape, they argue and speculate, but they do not KNOW, because they have not been taught to SEE. Paracelsus confirms this when he says:
"He who desires to know the Truth must be able to see it, and not be satisfied with descriptions of it received from others."
We repeat: who sees Truth? The Indian mystical writings—the Upanishads—give us the answer to that question:
"Those who themselves have seen the Truth can be thy Teachers of Wisdom. Ask from them, incline thine ear unto them and be thou unto them a faithful servant."
We have now answered the first question we posed. Only those who have seen the Truth themselves are qualified to teach it to others. It is just such men and women who founded this Mystery School more than 70 years ago and whose successors continue to teach their Students today. Each has passed through a rigorous course of study and practical training in the occult sciences lasting more than 30 years. Each sees and knows Occult Truth by personal experience gained through the supernormal (but not supernatural) faculties we all possess, but which are lying dormant in most people. Each and every member of this School has the opportunity to attain the same degree of knowledge and wisdom as their teachers, as you can read on the page that describes what we teach.
But what IS Occult Truth and where can it be found? Some readers who have found this website may already have despaired of ever finding it. Others may wonder if it even exists. In the Bible Job asks: "But where shall Wisdom be found? And where is the place of Understanding? Once again, the Upanishads have the answer:
"In the secret high place of the heart are two Beings who drink the Wine of Life in the World of Truth."
Who these two mysterious beings are no book can tell you, and certainly no Youtube video can! Just as no book or website can reveal what is really meant by such enigmatical phrases as 'the Wine of Life'. These are some of the secrets known only to the members of this Mystery School described on our homepage. But we can say with Robert Browning that:
"Truth is within ourselves, it takes no rise from outward things. There is an inmost centre in us all where Truth abides in fullness."
We may seem to be contradicting ourselves in saying that Truth lies within ourselves but can only be taught by the True Teacher. But if you read what we have said carefully again you will see this is not so at all. Knowing where something IS, is not the same as being able to GET it. We need a map or a guide to help us. This is the purpose of this website and the purpose of the Teachers of this Mystery School: to serve as a kindly guide to point YOU in the right direction. But it is not enough to be given signposts, we have to know HOW to read them if we are to profit from the directions they give. In short, we have to learn a whole new language. And if it took us several years to learn our native language, how much longer must it take us to learn the language of the Mysteries which opens the door to Occult Truth? This should convince you in no uncertain manner that those who claim to teach Occult Truth in a few short weeks or months (after which you will be a fully paid-up Initiate, if not an Adept) are most definitely NOT in possession of any Truths worth learning. So, we have learned one Truth at least and that is that REAL Occult Truth is not picked up in a haphazard manner from a few YouTube videos in a month or two, nor from books, websites, social media posts or the lesser mystery schools, 'magical' orders and occult groups which promise you 'instant enlightenment' and great 'magical' powers.
The Path to Truth
J Michaud PhD, whose occult books we review and recommend elsewhere on this website, summed up the Path to Truth in these few words:
"Ignorance, the dawn of reason, intellect, the dawn of real understanding, or initiation, and finally Wisdom. These are the five steps which raise Man from brute to Spirit."
Most of us are probably somewhere between stages three and four, but wherever we stand, or think we do, we can have no real comprehension of Truth until we discard the opinions of others and learn to THINK for and by ourselves. This is the first and most important step on the road to Enlightenment and Liberation, as Lactantius tells us:
"The first point of wisdom is to discern that which is false, and the second, to know that which is true."
The Students of this Mystery School are carefully taught over many years to distinguish truth from falsehood. The second step is learning how to free themselves from wrong teachings and wrong thinking. These steps are not for cowards or weaklings, for the timid NEVER reflect, being too afraid to let go of their cherished fancies, opinions and fantasies... No, the Path to Truth is for heroes and heroines, full of courage, ardour, fire and zeal, without being fanatics. It needs at the same time a heart full of tenderness, patience and love for all that lives and breathes. All earthly cleverness, distrust of other people's motives, suspicion of trickery and fraud, and other, similar worldly 'wisdom', is useless to the Student who sincerely seeks Truth. So long as we live in an atmosphere of suspicion, unfriendliness towards others, being unwilling to give and lose freely without afterthought, we cannot make any progress at all.
The realisation of Truth
Truly, the path to Truth is long, and the stones are very hard and sharp to the weary traveller towards the distant Light. But if we are steadfast, there will anon shine out a ray of Hope upon the far horizon. Then gradually, and often speedily, the Spiritual Sun will rise within our Heaven; a great awakening of the Inner Self takes place, and the moment comes when we can realize the majesty of Truth, such as no materialist could ever dream of, that will place us upon the heights, where nothing of the shadow-land here below can reach us. And there we stand, liberated, glorified and full of joy beyond all earthly comprehension.
Moreover, there is a vast concourse awaiting you of those who have trodden the path before. Anxiously they await your coming, stretching out their arms in welcome to you, the weary traveller; glad to know that your task among the shadows is done and the more glorious work shall now commence for you. There they await YOU; the Real Masters of Wisdom, awaiting their brothers of shadowy earth, now transformed into flaming torches of wisdom, love and compassion; ready to add their light to the greater flames of God; to light the way for those who are yet to come.