Who are the Occult Masters of Wisdom?
If you know little or nothing about occult Masters or have been led to believe they are part of an evil conspiracy that rules the world, what we have to say on this page may well change your mind.
There is an awful lot of nonsense written nowadays about 'Masters' by those who know nothing whatsoever about either 'Masters' or occultism. One example of this are websites that tell us there is a secretive organisation sometimes referred to as the 'illuminati'—who conspire together to 'rule our lives'. If you believe this, we hope that what we have to say will make you think again. The first thing to ask yourself is whether an organised conspiracy on a world-wide scale is even possible. If you have any personal experience of working in public organisations such as the NHS or multinational corporations you will know how hard it is to obtain cooperation and consensus in the pursuit of common objectives among the competing individuals and groups involved.
The reason for this is that the lower aspects of human nature undermine cooperation and consensus, even among like-minded individuals with a shared goal. 'What's in it for me?' is a refrain we are all familiar with. Self-interest, greed, fear, distrust of others, envy, timidity, duplicity, hypocrisy, egoism, pride, empire-building and a host of other negative emotions and mental attitudes all contribute to ensure that cooperation and consensus on a large scale is difficult to achieve and impossible to maintain for long among any organised group of human beings.
We have only to follow the daily news to see that leaders in politics, religion, science and business rarely agree with one another about anything. Even when agreements are reached, the negative conditions we referred to conspire to undermine them. This results in the formation of various 'cliques' all pursuing different, and often antagonistic agendas in a bid to maintain their power, authority and influence, whilst other groups are doing the same. Over time these disruptive activities lead to the breaking of agreements and the fragmentation of human organisations and institutions, especially when they lack any higher moral or spiritual purpose. From this it must be clear that most human beings are utterly incapable of cooperating long enough, or effectively enough, to establish the consensus needed to organise and implement any so-called 'New World Order'. It seems to us that the only 'new' thing about this non-existent 'order' is the name! Unless, of course, you can point to any period of human history during the last few thousand years when the vast majority of the world's population were not exploited, misled and manipulated by those seeking material power and influence.
You may say that things are a good deal worse today. We daresay they are. But this does not alter the fact that there have always existed self-seeking opportunists, whether they were known to the public or simply pulled the strings of their puppets from behind the scenes. When their interests coincide, such individuals band together to pursue various political, monetary and social agendas for their own selfish ends. But is this news to any thinking person? To call such money-grabbing, power-mad opportunists 'masters' or 'illuminati' as some people do seems like adding insult to injury to us. It's a bit like calling Adolf Hitler a humanitarian pacifist. With the best will in the world we cannot see what is remotely 'illuminated' about exploiting and manipulating our fellow men and women. Nor does it seem reasonable to call those who do so, 'masters'.
The word 'Master' was first brought to the attention of the public in the 19th century by the occultist and founder of the Theosophical Society, H. P. Blavatsky, to describe her concealed preceptors. In doing so, she was simply following the age-old practise of referring to a teacher of spiritual verities as a 'Master.' That is a teacher who only imparts his esoteric teachings to his carefully chosen disciples in secret. Jesus fulfils this role in the Gospels, as did Gautama Buddha and Pythagoras before him. We discuss some of the good reasons for this secrecy on our homepage. We wish to stress once again that the Teachers of this Mystery School have nothing whatsoever to do with any organisations that use such words to promote their nonsensical fantasies about the 'illuminati' we referred to earlier. The fact that the words 'Hidden Masters' are now synonymous with deceit and duplicity does not alter their original, elevated meaning. It is in the spiritual and metaphysical sense that Madame Blavatsky used the words 'Hidden Masters' to refer to the spiritual benefactors of mankind, because, having mastered the lower aspects of human nature in themselves, they were able to show others how to overcome them too.
We hope that what we have said has convinced you that the REAL Masters have no desire to 'rule' or control your life. Such coercion goes against all universal occult laws, and most man-made ones too. Freedom of thought and action is an inalienable right granted to all creatures by their Creator. If it were not so, man would be no better than a mindless robot with no possibility of evolving to a higher state. You may argue that some human beings are not free, such as those in prison, or who are enslaved in some way or another. But if you think about it you will agree that at some time—in some way or other—whether in this life, or a previous one, they exercised their free-will to bring about their present circumstances. For the conditions in which we find ourselves are in every case the result of our own actions in this or a former life.
This is not 'Karma' as it is popularly misunderstood and taught by almost every other Mystery School or occult order and teacher, but the working out of natural, universal laws. It is these entirely secret laws which are taught by this Mystery School. Once they are understood, they can be applied in practical ways to consciously direct our lives in the right manner to help ourselves and others, both materially and spiritually. We will then have full control of our existence and no longer be the helpless pawns of the manipulative 'masters' we referred to earlier who seek material power, fame and riches at our expense. You can read more about the misconceptions surrounding the much misunderstood subject of Karma elsewhere on the Internet.
When the Disciple is ready the Master appears
Those of you who are sincerely seeking REAL Occult Knowledge and Truth will be familiar with the saying that: "When the Disciple is ready the Master appears". But who understands the real meaning of this saying, and how many can be said to be truly ready for the Master?
Those of you who are far advanced upon the Path will have encountered many seekers who prefer to live in a dream within the dream of Illusion. It is also true that most of those who say they want to learn Occult Knowledge prefer to have their own pet theories and fantasies confirmed rather than having the true Laws and principles explained by a real Master—appointed to this task by the Gods themselves. And how difficult it is to find such a Master, and know him!
By Masters WE mean those who have been found ready in every way to join the work of the great Cosmic Masters who guide the world's destinies, but who for love of their brothers and sisters still here have volunteered to reincarnate once more in order to reveal the mysteries of the Creator and Creation to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Such Masters go about silently and modestly in the world with love in their hearts for all, drying the tears of the sorrowful, lifting up the downtrodden and oppressed, and giving a message of hope and comfort to all they encounter. This is the only Master the sincere seeker after Truth longs to find. The so-called 'illuminati' mentioned earlier whom so many mistake for the real teachers and guides of humanity may be 'masters' in their own way, but we would not like to say what they are masters of!
Some time ago a gentleman who professed an interest in our Mystery School wrote to us wanting to know whether the world was going to end, and what were the occultists going to do about it, and why did the Masters permit the persecution of the Jews, and why didn't they stop the war in Ukraine—and wasn't the world in a terrible condition, with the Black Forces in full control? Why didn't the occultists and the mystics do something about it and if they were doing something—what were they doing and what had we to say about it all?
When we all had recovered our breath—and we say all because we were quite breathless ourselves after listening to this avalanche of questions, delivered in a very accusing manner, just as if it were all our fault—we told the gentleman that just so long as he and others were concentrating on all the apparently black conditions that seem to exist everywhere (he had mentioned Syria, Afghanistan and other places as well), these conditions would persist, and even gather momentum and increase in proportion to the amount of negative thinking expended upon them by him and others of a similar mind.
THINKING people know that this is true. Even modern science has now acknowledged what occult science has long known: negative thinking will bring about negative conditions, just as positive thoughts of good-will bring about happiness and content. This is not an optimistic theory of ours, but a well-established natural LAW which successful men and women have applied throughout history, in most cases unconsciously. But it can and should be applied CONSCIOUSLY to all our thinking and acting. If you have never thought about this before, you may be surprised how quickly you can improve YOUR life and the lives of those around you by training yourself into the persistent and unceasing habit of thinking good and conducive thoughts. If you can do this, the sooner will you bring about conditions of darkness-dispelling light; that great Light which is the goal of all seekers after Occult Truth.
Who are the REAL Occult Masters?
The eternal questions as to WHAT are the Occult Masters doing, WHERE are they, WHO are they, have YOU ever met a Master, shall I ever meet a Master, are there any Masters at all? can be answered from a deep, sincere, and understanding study of the principles and teachings taught by this Mystery School.
You can find some of these teachings in the five Occult Books we recommend on this website. If you have not read these books, you should do so, for they have been made freely available to all at no cost for just this reason. We also recommend that you study the Bible, the various books of Hermes, the Vedas, and other sacred literature, and meditate and concentrate in the manner shown to us in these and similar teachings. This should lead to an understanding of what, where and who the Masters are and what their work is. The way to this knowledge lies straight before you and is open to all; but you must find it by YOURSELF. A million books can point the way—but it is only your OWN feet that can carry you forward, and not the feet of others; although others may stretch out to you a guiding hand in brotherly love and sympathetic understanding.
The Master within your very own self
Some seekers travel all the way to India or the jungles of the Amazon in order to find a true teacher. What a waste of time if they only went there for that reason! You can find a Master—the Master—on any city street, on your own doorstep, in your own inner sanctum, by going WITHIN—and communing with that patient, loving, and often sorrowing Master who dwells within the Temple of your very own self. HE is the Master you must first of all learn to contact with full faith that HE will always hear you, guide you, protect you; if you will only let him. You all have the free will to do so, but you must approach HIM with the confidence of a small child who asks for the aid of loving and trusted parents.
Once you have trained yourself to live in such a way that you become worthy of that holy and most intimate contact with the Master within, and once you have learned to listen to his kindly voice, and to act according to the way he guides you so lovingly, you will be found worthy to come into contact with other Masters, and they will show you the way of service to those of your brothers and sisters who have not yet found the path, but will inevitably do so in God's good time. And then in time YOU will in this way qualify for Mastership yourself and acquire understanding of all that now seems so puzzling to you.
You will know just WHY the Jews are persecuted and WHY there are terrible happenings in many other places of the world. There will be no further need for you to travel to faraway and strange places to contact Masters. There are just as many Masters in England—and perhaps more—as you will find in India, the jungles of the Amazon, and other exotic and faraway places. These Masters don't occupy positions of great worldly power and fame, but work quietly behind the scenes, often in an apparently lowly role. Remember one of the greatest of all who worked at the carpenter's bench! The real Master is pure gold, but does not glitter! And all those who give their services in a kindly and loving spirit without thought of reward—but because they MUST—are doing the work of the REAL spiritual Masters.
The occult books we recommend are full to brimming over with principles like the above. Work them out for yourself and in your own way. You have a treasure-trove full of riches in these books. Help yourselves freely and use what you take out of them. Everyone can find hints, aids, teachings, which will just supply his most urgent need. But look for YOURSELF. Don't ask others to help you if you can avoid it. You will find this treasure hunting a very fascinating pastime, and the work will take on a new meaning for you. DON'T look for fantastic and weird things in these books. Translate all you learn into a means of being of service to your fellow men and women. In that way you will not only give good service but draw it towards yourself and your near and dear ones as well.
The work of the Masters
Ask that the Masters may send forth their Light and their Truth, as they already have led you and brought you to this website. Wherever you go, be always ready to attend and love, and to be the servant of the Masters. Thus you will become a light in the darkness and by your ready service you will assist the Masters in their work. And give thanks to the Lord who ever creates, sanctifies, blesses and bestows all good things. And it will spread all over the world, for the power of the Masters is great and endless, but without the help that you can all give, suffering must be prolonged, and the problems which confronted the gentleman we told you about at the beginning of this article, will continue.
A great work is waiting for us all. It is the work of the true mystic, it is the work of the Great White Brotherhood. It is the work of the Adepts who by means of consistent self-development, have fitted themselves in the ruling of the world. But it is not necessary for us to rule the world from a throne, or by means of a dictatorship. We must rule the world by love and service. THAT is the work of this Mystery School and its members. The Masters will impart to you wisdom by communion and inspiration; which is otherwise unobtainable. And their protecting hand will be over you and they will cover you with their feathery wings and keep you from all harm. As the Master says: "...and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." If you do all these things there will at times shine forth from you a light that is not of this earth but of the celestial realms where is the House of the Father, the House with many mansions. You yourself will become a Presence and a Light in that Realm.