Free Books about the Sublime Occult Mysteries
If you know little or nothing about Occultism and have been led to believe Occult Books consist of works on black magic and witchcraft the books reviewed on this page may well change your mind—and your life!
If you would like to know more about the Sublime Occult Mysteries and occult sciences we teach before applying for membership, you may find the following five books of interest. They were all written by J Michaud PhD, an advanced member of this Mystery School during the last century, as you can read in The Golden Star. This was the second of the occult books he wrote during his lifetime, most of which are now almost entirely unknown. His first book — Occult Enigmas — was published in 1939. It comprises 12 metaphysical Investigations of such subjects as Karma, Reincarnation, Magic, Alchemy and the Astral World. Although now very scarce, the Occult Studies Course provided by is adapted from this book and is free to all to study online. All Dr Michaud's books were all published by the UMA Press in London between 1939 and 1950. With the exception of The Golden Star and The Teachings of Li Wang Ho which were reprinted in 2021 and 2022 respectively (see below), it is now very difficult and prohibitively expensive to obtain any printed copies of the original editions. It is for this reason that they have been published as HTML e-texts free for all to read and study online in their own time and at their own pace with no obligation to apply for membership of this Mystery School.
Each of these remarkable books reveals several of the true laws and principles of occult science. Much of this information has never been made available to the public before. Even if you choose not to apply for membership of this Mystery School these books can be of enormous personal benefit to you if you study them with an open mind and your full attention. You can read more about the author and his books on the website of As we update this page in 2023 we are pleased to say that the independent publisher who has published the new editions of The Golden Star and The Teachings of Li Wang Ho is committed to reprinting the author's other three occult books. All five books are listed below in order of their original publication. Dr Michaud's first book — Occult Enigmas — was adapted

The Golden Star
Aptly described as "A BOOK FOR INITIATES", The Golden Star expounds the most ADVANCED OCCULT TEACHINGS, never before revealed to the public, yet in such a fascinating manner as to hold and extend the interest of the novice.
The book is written in the form of a story, in which two Egyptian pilgrims, Ma-u and Ma-uti, are conducted through the higher and lower planes by Neteru-Hem, a Messenger from the Divine. During their journey they are gradually introduced to the true laws and principles of the Universe.
During their remarkable journey, the two pilgrims are taught about the real nature of matter and spirit and the ways in which these two entirely opposite principles are interwoven. The many subjects covered include the origins of the universe, witchcraft, magic (both black and white), spiritualism, the inhabitants of the four elemental kingdoms (Gnomes, Sylphs, Undines and Salamanders), psychism, clairvoyance and clairaudience, true, spiritual vision, divine inspiration, the occult constitution of man and how to attain cosmic consciousness and oneness with the Divine. READ THE E-TEXT, DOWNLOAD a FREE PDF of the book or buy the new hardcover edition direct from the publisher.

The Teachings of Li Wang Ho
This remarkable book expounds the teachings of a forgotten Chinese Philosopher of over 2,000 years ago, lovingly restored once more for the benefit of all sincere seekers after Truth and Wisdom.
A Muzchik, in his review for Occult Mysteries, writes: "This is one of those very rare books in any age that can change your life for the better. You do not need to be an occultist or mystic to benefit from the teachings it contains. You do not even need to know much about philosophy or ancient Chinese literature. All you need are an open mind and a thirst for Truth." We agree.
This fast-paced story abounds with enchanting descriptions of the China of 2,000 years ago and its colourful folklore and customs. We are introduced to many memorable characters, including the inimitable Lu-shun, who typifies all the very worst characteristics of so many seekers after occult 'powers'. Yet, in the end, he is redeemed through the wonderful teachings of the Sage, Li Wang Ho, whose many wise sayings and observations upon material and spiritual life will appeal to every kind of reader. The book begins by enumerating seven cardinal sins which most of us will have been guilty of at some time. The author does not mince his words, especially in regard to Pride! READ THE E-TEXT, DOWNLOAD a FREE PDF of the book or buy the new hardcover edition direct from the publisher.

The Quest of Ruru
This book depicts a living picture of the India of 2,000 years ago; drawn with unerring skill and poetic power by the inspired hand of Dr Michaud.
The reader will discover a glittering panorama of gorgeous scenery: of a tremendous 'black' ceremony by an evil wizard; of extraordinary 'Tests', and Initiations into the Arcane Mysteries; of strange adventures; exotic love scenes; of a great Rishi; and of a Master who surely represents the ideal of every Seeker; and—above all—of true elucidations of some of the hidden secrets of the Universe, so far as they may be disclosed.
As one reviewer writes: "The Quest of Ruru is an epitome of the Wisdom of the East. In this book we find many of the choicest sayings of the Rishis—the Wise Sages of ancient India—brought vividly and vitally to life once more in the incomparable prose of Dr Michaud. Here are wise saws for every occasion, witty commentaries upon the vagaries of earthly existence, together with inspired jewels of wisdom which unveil the highest truths and carry the mind of the reader to undreamed of regions of Light and Beauty." READ THE E-TEXT

Symphonie Fantastique
Nothing quite like this most unusual book, subtitled a 'Diablerie in Four Movements or a Symphony in Words', exists in the annals of occult and mystical literature. Nor do we know of any books in which the sincere seeker after Truth may find the answers to the great mysteries of life and death explained with such simplicity and clarity.
Although the author was an accomplished musician and the narrative follows the structure of a classical symphony of four movements, Symphonie Fantastique is not a book about music, but Spiritual Enlightenment and Liberation.
The story is set some 427,000 years in the FUTURE, at the close of the Kali Yuga or 'Black Age', and describes the final battle between the Powers of Light and the forces of darkness which will usher in the 'Golden Age' longed for by so many mystics.
Many of the occult truths you will find in this book have never been so openly stated before. Nor are they more vitally needed than today, when the world is in the grip of wars, disorder and despair and thinking people are seeking answers to the great mysteries of life. This book provides these answers in the form of the shining jewels of the wisdom of the ages; heavenly treasure that all may freely partake of according to the strength of their thirst for Truth and their capacity for understanding it. READ THE E-TEXT

The Book of Sa-Heti
This book is about the life of Krishna—the Holy Hindu Saviour and prototype of Christ. It was first published by the UMA Press in London in 1950 and is now almost unobtainable in print. It is now available to all readers for the very first time on the Internet.
The book describes many of the incidents found in the Bible but enacted 3,000 years previously wherein John becomes Arjuna, Maia Mary, and Christ Krishna.
Here you will find the Sublime Occult Truths revealed in all their pristine purity and radiant beauty. Truths which unveil the mysteries of Life and Death and the secrets of creation and evolution. This book is an intense spiritual adventure for the sincere seeker after Truth and a treasure-trove of wisdom and comfort for every kind of reader.
As one reviewer writes: "This is a royal book: as though the Lord of the high realm had inspired the writer to renew again the forsaken wisdom; the kingly teachings that are true teachings in these days of a planetary Gethsemane when the great truths are crucified, and the illuminated minds dwell within a long Calvary." READ THE E-TEXT