Learn real Occult Knowledge
If you know little or nothing about the Occult or have been led to believe it is unscientific what we have to say on this and our other pages may surprise you. We hope it will also change your mind.
As you can read on our homepage and in the sidebar on your right, there are many 'mystery schools' that claim to teach you occult knowledge. How does the sincere seeker know we are genuine and can deliver what we promise? This is a perfectly reasonable question which we will attempt to answer as fully and simply as possible. Firstly, we do not claim any mysterious predecessors and name them without any proof of our assertions, for all our members' names are kept for ever secret, from the highest to the lowest. Nor do we say that our Mystery School is descended, or carries on the work, or has certain authorities handed down to it, from the heads of famous occult orders of the past, as so many lesser schools do.
Secondly, the occult books we recommend are freely available to all who wish to read and study them, whether they choose to apply for membership or not. Thirdly, there is this website itself. If you have any experience at all of occult and mystical teachings, you will know in your heart whether our content rings true. Even if you have no such experience in occult studies, you will detect the subtle differences between our words and the pretentious claims of the many so-called 'occult' orders and mystery schools who infest the Internet with their blatant and pernicious advertisements claiming to represent the 'Illuminati', 'Ascended Masters' and similar non-existent figments of the imaginations of the unthinking when such names are used by those who seek to capitalise on the gullibility of the inexperienced seeker, which repulse anyone with a sense of fine feeling and elevated thinking.
Some visitors may think our website is 'basic'. It is true that we have no videos, slick graphics or eye-catching animations to attract attention. The reason we don't is because real Occult Knowledge is simple, plain and unadorned. Shakespeare said 500 years ago that "the world is still deceived with ornament," adding that "ornament is the guiléd shore to a most dangerous sea." 'Guiléd' means deceitful, misleading and cunning. 'Sea' refers in a hidden manner to the lower Astral World, which is that most perilous ocean in which the cunning sharks and piranhas swim, deceiving the sincere seeker with the colourful ornament this website deliberately avoids.
The truly great Occult Masters dwell in the higher Astral World, and it is in these finer, non-physical dimensions that many who have been drawn to this website have first made contact with this Mystery School, though they may not be consciously aware of this in their waking life on earth. Our files are full of letters from grateful members who were led to this website in just this way as you can read in the testimonials on our homepage. Some saw the name of our website in dreams and 'googled' it upon awakening. Others beheld a vision in which they met one or more of the Teachers of this Mystery School. Yet others clairvoyantly saw certain writings which appertain to our teachings, while some felt an irresistible inner compulsion to search online for particular phrases such as 'real occult knowledge', 'occult truth', 'Masters of Wisdom', 'Mystery Teachings' and so on and so forth.
It is always right to act upon such intuitions, for in many cases these are sent to us by the Wise keepers of the Keys to the ancient Mystery Teachings in the higher spiritual realms, who have decided that we are now worthy to learn the great Truths. The sincere seeker will always find their way to the True Light and the True Teacher, just as you have done who are reading these words. Further and fuller answers can be found on the pages of this website and in the five occult books by J Michaud PhD reviewed and recommended on our occult books page.
Most importantly, we are not missionaries. Each and every individual must come to the Mystery Teachings freely, of their own volition, with joy and enthusiasm in their hearts. Others are not acceptable. So, if despite all that we have said on this page and elsewhere on our website, you still harbour doubts or suspicions about this Mystery School or our sincerity and probity, it is a complete waste of your time enquiring about membership.
Real occult knowledge versus fantasy
Many seekers pile their own vain imaginings in a heap and gaze with adoring eyes at the vanity of their own dreams, which only add to the Illusions which blind them to TRUE Reality. And not only do they do this while they are still on earth, but when they cross the Border—called Death by the other dreamers—they immediately commence with the construction of yet another cycle of phantom devices, invented and framed in the ignorance of their wandering minds, which now believe they have mastered the ultimate secret at last, until once more they are swept away and out of their new and useless Empire of uninstructed, fanciful, chimerical musings, like a blade of grass: of no value whatever in that or any other realm, and commence anew their bemused meditations on this earthly Plane.
And again they rave and shout about the spirit messages they receive from their "angel guides", "channelers" and "mediums", not knowing that if they receive any messages at all they are sent to them by the confused dwellers of the lower Astral World we mentioned earlier. Such beings, wrongly called 'spirits', for they are still material, are generally no more 'enlightened' than the average seeker on earth (and often much less so).
The dwellers in the lower Astral World search for easily influenced and gullible fools in order to unload within their untutored minds the dross they can no longer hold themselves. Such foolish seekers may even pride themselves on their "intelligence," not realising that "intellect" is nothing more than a natural development of their animal instincts and animal cunning, such as that displayed by monkeys, for instance, and only slightly more mature and therefore more dangerous and misleading. This may come as a shock to mediums and psychics, many of whom are the most sincere and honourable people one could wish to meet. But they would be still more shocked—and terrified—if they knew what really happens during séances and so-called 'channelings' when any real power is available. You can read about the dangers and deceptions of channeling in an excellent article on this subject to be found at occult-mysteries.org.
This Mystery School teaches the true occult laws pertaining to such things. All members have the same opportunity to gain full understanding of all psychic and astral phenomena through practical, personal experience. In this and similar ways, our members may prove the truth of our Teachings by and for themselves. They will then know exactly what happens at séances, the nature and inhabitants of the Astral Worlds and the Secrets of Man and the Universe. Only in this way can the sincere seeker escape from those idle speculators who only operate their vacuous minds for the purpose of presenting to the rest of the inane, wavering, and hesitating mortals the arrogant and ostentatious conclusions they have arrived at by themselves, and thus become the self-admiring "teachers" of their dupes.
By studying the Mystery Teachings as revealed by the true Masters and Messengers of the past all the dark corners of our minds will be gradually swept clear of the cobwebs of wrong teachings and misinterpretations of the Holy Laws. Those who are ready and worthy to dedicate their lives to the study of Occult Truth will rise above the illusion of the material worlds and know the glories of the spiritual, which is the true Reality.