Mystery School teaches Occult Science
If you know little or nothing about the Occult or have been led to believe it is 'evil' or unscientific what we have to say on this and our other pages may well change your mind.
This Mystery School teaches Occult Science by correspondence only. Although we are based in the United Kingdom (Great Britain), our members are spread all over the world. We offer no personal contacts or group meetings of any kind, so if you are seeking social networking or group activities we may not meet your needs or expectations.
We do not pretend that all our Teachings are of such a nature that no other school can have access to them, but we do aver that never before have these Teachings been presented in such a clear, concise, masterly and easily understandable form. This School is a fraternity of men and women who study the secrets of Man and the Universe. By familiarizing themselves with these great themes they can attain such mastery over all these principles that they will lead more useful and happy lives, which, by force of example, will help mankind in general along its path of more or less blind existence.
Our Teachings are based on exactly the same principles—though considerably extended and modernized in various ways—as the Occult Scientific Teachings of the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt, who in their turn received them directly or indirectly from the Great Adepts and Masters of Atlantis. You can read more about the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools in the column on your right. Our correspondence Course may be compared to a University Course of study in Philosophy, Natural and Occult laws and Science, Higher Ethics and Metaphysics. By virtue of these Teachings, the Student may enter the 'straight gate which leadeth unto life' mentioned in the Bible —the Gateway to Initiation—to become a Light on the Way and a shining Torch in the Darkness of the gross materialism which threatens to overwhelm Mankind in these troubled times.
As we said earlier, we offer no personal contacts or meetings of any kind. Our Mystery School works entirely in secret. The Teachers and Students of our School do not reveal their identities as members to the general public, to their friends, or even amongst themselves. We do not even have a name by which we are known in the outside world. There is a very SIMPLE REASON for all this secrecy which has nothing whatever to do with 'cults', conspiracies or deception. The reason is that we aim at a total suppression of the PERSONAL element which so often leads to disruption and strife amongst even the finest groups of Occult Students and Mystics, thus avoiding the personal glorification of one—or more—members, at the expense of others. This is an old and well established Occult Law; too often unknown, ignored or forgotten.
You can read more about the many good reasons for secrecy in an excellent article published elsewhere on the Internet. We also recommend the Occult FAQ to be found on the same website which provides clear and sane answers to the many questions seekers interested in magic, occultism and the occult ask.
Application for membership and qualifications needed
Application for membership is open to all, regardless of sex, age or religion, except that this School will NOT accept members who deny the existence of a Supreme Godhead, or Ruler of the Universe, or those who are not willing to obey in every way the constitutional laws of the country in which they dwell either as residents or temporary visitors.
Our teachings require the ability to read and write English to a good standard, hard work, sincerity and commitment over a long period of time—they are NOT suitable for thrill-seekers, mystery-mongers, or those seeking instant initiation and enlightenment in a few short weeks. In addition, the sincere student needs, if he or she is going to succeed, special gifts such as persistence, loyalty, and the ability to work hard and not be put off by the responsibilities and pressures of modern life. It is useless to pretend that we have less time for truly elevated study today than in olden times. In the past people were just as busy with the ordinary things of life as they are today, but they rushed about less and may have been more sincere.
The School is a Genuine Teaching Academy
We would like to make it absolutely clear that this Mystery School is a genuine teaching academy that does not concern itself with politics or statecraft in any shape or form. It does not offer it's members social advancement, wealth or power. Such things have nothing to do with occult science or the genuine Mystery Teachings. It does not coerce, brainwash or manipulate its members in any way. All members are free to leave at ANY time, without repercussions of ANY sort. The School does not tell its members what they should or should not think, believe or do. Such interference is against all natural and occult laws. The School teaches by correspondence ONLY and does NOT offer 'group sessions', 'rituals' or 'magic spells.' This information is also included in the School's Manifesto and Application Form.
As we said earlier, our Teachings are based on exactly the same occult principles and laws as the Teachings of the Hierophants of Ancient Egypt, India, Chaldea and Greece, who in their turn received them directly or indirectly from the Great Adepts and Masters of Atlantis. Moreover, these Teachings are absolutely true to the Old Wisdom, without having added to them the entirely misleading and fantastic claims of the lesser occult groups and teachers who meddle with the sacred lore by superimposing upon it their personal speculations and interpretations. Such groups and teachers often mean well, but all they succeed in doing in leading the genuine seeker away from Truth. We teach the Natural Laws of the Universe and NONE of our Teachings are in conflict with the highest ideals of any religion, or those of the great Teachers, such as Jesus and Buddha. These Studies are intended to lift up your Mind to the highest spiritual realms where you can discover Peace, Truth, Wisdom and Happiness. You will find a brief list of the many subjects taught on our occult teachings page.
Organisation of the School and Tuition
The School is divided into three Groups. The first Group is the Outer Circle, which consists of three Grades. It takes three years to master the teachings of these three Grades. The work consists of a deep study of Philosophy, material and Occult Science, Religion, and Metaphysics, as well as practical exercises to awaken the higher powers we all possess, but are lying dormant in most people. Each Grade contains 50 printed lectures on various subjects, mailed out to members weekly. The students of the Outer Circle may pass at the end of the three years into the Inner Group. But we wish to make it clear that only those with special attributes, inherent or acquired by deep study, can hope to succeed to the Inner work of the School. The third Group consists of the Great Adepts and Masters of the School. Further information on these Groups and Grades as well tuition fees is given in our manifesto (see below).
Each member is placed under the care of a personal teacher to whom they may write with any questions or concerns they have about the work. The School uses no set letters for this purpose, and each and every member is assured of the prompt, personal attention of their teacher at all times. We say this as we know of many lesser schools and groups that do not provide a structured course of learning or personal tuition. The members of such organisations are left to their own devices, leading inevitably to dissatisfaction, confusion and disillusionment. By following a method of one-to-one tuition and structured learning, this Mystery School provides every one of its members with the opportunity to master the whole of the edifice of occult science under its guidance. It is for this reason, as well as many others, that hardly any members drop out after a few short weeks or months, which is so often the case in many occult schools and orders.
Cost of Membership
There is no membership or application fee. The ONLY fees charged are for the purpose of preparing, printing and posting course materials. Current subscription is £90 per quarter (3 months) in the UK; £120 outside the UK. Subscriptions may be remitted every 3, 6, or 12 months.
Apply for Membership today
We have produced a Manifesto which describes the aims and Teachings of this Mystery School in a clear and concise manner. If you sincerely want to study the ancient Mystery Teachings in their entirety as never before revealed, write a letter fully and clearly explaining your reasons for wishing to study with this School. Then email it as an attachment to the address below. There is no obligation whatsoever for you to apply for membership. If the Manifesto does not meet your expectations, your name and address will NOT be retained and we will NOT contact you.
DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR LETTER IN THE BODY OF YOUR EMAIL. If you do it will be automatically REJECTED. You must send it as an attachment in one of the following formats ONLY:
- Microsoft Word 97 or 2003
- PDF version 1.3 or 1.5
- Rich Text Format (RTF)
If you do not supply your full name and address (including ZIP/Postcode) clearly written in BLOCK CAPITALS in your email or your letter we will not be able to action your request. Please note that only a limited number of vacancies for Students are available each year. Please allow up to two months for your enquiry to be processed.
We deeply regret that we are unable to accept Students from certain countries due to unreliable mail services. Please DO NOT write to us if you reside in any of the following countries:
All countries in Central and South America
Africa (including South Africa)
China (PRC), Republic of Korea
Testimonials from Members
This is what Students say about this Mystery School. We have not edited their words in any way.
"From the very first lecture I received I knew that I had found the authentic teachings I have been searching for all my life. I feel so blessed and privileged to have been admitted to these amazing studies."
Member from the United Kingdom
"I am astonished each time by the beauty and truth of your teachings with every new lecture I receive. My heart sings with the arrival of your manila envelope and thank my teachers for their personal guidance every step of the glorious way to such great and wondrous knowledge."
Member from New Zealand
"After many years of internal struggle and fruitless searching in churches, books and people, only to find time and time again that none of them could give me peace, I found you! My life has transformed from shades of grey into brilliant colour."
Member from the USA
"Your course has opened my eyes to the truth to be found in occult science and it feels like a doorway has opened and let light into an otherwise dark room. I feel very privileged and blessed to have found you."
Member from the USA
"After only three months of study I find myself as a different person. Confusion is slipping away, understanding is growing, and I am a calmer, relaxed and happier person that I have ever been."
Member from the United Kingdom
"I see everything with new eyes now thanks to your wonderful teachings. I feel like I am finally learning the things I have been searching for all my life. Like I have come home."
Member from the USA